• Adults 60 and older
  • Homebound
  • Chronically ill - struggling to prepare meals due to physical or mental health challenges
  • Lives alone or living with someone who is also unable to prepare meals - spouses may also be eligible.

Meals can be delivered on a short- or long-term basis. 

Each client will receive a welcome packet with a variety of documents. Included is an Explanation of Services, which you can view here as well. 

Please complete our application below today to receive an assessment. Once your application has been reviewed we will contact you to complete the enrollment process. Please do not submit multiple referrals.  We often have a waitlist, so there could be delays from initial referral to assessment process.

Apply Today!

Recipient Application

Apply for Meals!

If you are interested in applying to recieve Meals on Wheels for yourself or a loved one, please continue to the form below. As a reminder, those who qualify for our program are:
  • Ages 60 and above.
  • Cannot prepare meals for themselves and do not have someone who can prepare meals for them.
  • Are homebound, no longer drive themselves, and/or rely on others for transportation needs.
Click here to find more information about our eligibility requirements. Please note that there must be an assessment performed to start service, and that there may be a delay between form submission and assessment date. 
Recipient Information:
Contact Information
Are you homebound?
Our homebound definition - one or more could apply to you:
  • Not driving
  • Driving very little only in emergency
  • Only drive to get to doctor appointment
  • Would drive less if I had home delivered meals
  • Only drive in necessity and would be safter if I didn't drive
Emergency Contact Information

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